The City of Sheffield has a Mayor-Council form of government. The mayor is elected at large, and five council members are elected by district. The mayor is the chief administrative officer of the city. Unlike mayor-council forms of government in larger cities in Alabama, the Mayor presides at city council meetings and has a vote. Elections are held every four years and terms are not staggered presenting the possibility for a completely new governing body after each election.
The City Clerk serves as chief financial officer and Treasurer of the city. The City Clerk also serves as Secretary to the City Council and Planning Commission. It is a civil service position and provides continuity across elected administrations.
The offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, Building Department, Police Department and Municipal Court are at city hall at 600 N. Montomery Avenue between the historic residential area that reaches to the bluffs overlooking the Tennessee River and the historic downtown business district.
The City Council normally meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at City Hall. A work session begins at 5:00 PM followed immediately by the regular meeting. Public comment is invited at the end of business during the regular meeting.
City boards are essential to the success of municipalities. There are eighteen boards in the City of Sheffield with citizen volunteer members appointed by the City Council or mayor. These volunteer board members play a significant role in the success of the City of Sheffield. Participating as a member of a city board is a rewarding experience affording citizens the opportunity to contribute to the progress and success of the City of Sheffield. Click on the button to access an application. Return completed applications by email to, by US Mail to City of Sheffield, C/O City Clerk, PO Box 380, Sheffield, AL 35660 or in person to the City Clerk’s office at 600 N. Montgomery Avenue